
What is with all these oils?

Okay, there’s so much goodness packed into these little bottles. It’s way more than I could even scratch with this blog. When I first got started I had TONS of questions…what oil do I use for? How do I get started? What comes in a Kit?


I’m so glad a friend of mine sat down and chatted with me, and invited me to look. Look into the world of essential oils, get my feet wet and dive in. Now, I’m so glad we did.

You may have the same questions. In fact, I know you do. You may even have LOTS of questions.

Personally, I want to help answer those questions. I want to personally invite you to a class. Don’t freak out when you hear the word “class”. This is simply a time for a community of people to come alongside, learn with an open mind, feel, smell and taste the oils. If you have a willingness to learn, this class is for YOU>

>>>>>>>>>>>Yes. YOU>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

If your not in the local area, don’t let that discourage you. Don’t let that hinder you from enjoying the benefits of wanting to learn more.

Technology is amazing in that it can connect people who lives miles apart. So let’s connect- whether it be skype, or email, a phone or a FB message, don’t let your questions go UNANSWERED. I’m here for you.

 We will be tackling the 10 most frequently asked questions about Young Living, oils, our Premium Starter Kit and getting started. It is recommended that you have attended an Intro Class, or 1-1 one with the person who introduced you to essential oils. However it is not required that you do so. This is welcome to anyone!

Remember- get Happy Oiling in your Inbox to get notified of new events, right when they are posted.

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